Another bunny card? Yes! I think I have bunnies on my mind because I've been "bunny watching" daily for weeks! Bunnies have literally taken over my back yard. There's a teeny tiny wooden preserve behind my house where I'm assuming they live. Several times a day they venture out and they come to nibble on this specific area in my yard. It's a barer patch of grass that my husband has been seeding and babying so the grass will thicken and grow. About a month ago he put down some type of fertilizer or grass seed or something or another, and the the bunnies have been drawn to it. I feel bad for my husband because he's been working so hard for years to get the yard looking a certain way... but watching the bunnies has been so fun! They're just too cute.
Anyway, about a week ago I shared a card, Bunny Boy featuring this same image but with a completely different color palette. I love how color and pattern has the ability to alter the overall feel of a design or image. Pairing the grey bunny with the lighter colors in the patterned paper definitely makes this card feel much more "springy" to me.
Thanks for stopping by today!